- 为DBall添加三种全新的运动模式,对应截然不同的操作手感,分别是灵动,柔和及笨重(原版)模式,其中灵动模式会显著降低游戏难度,推荐尝试!
- 更新升级全部UI,告别赤贫模式~~~感谢Epic的免费资源(Lyra)~~
- 更新开始倒计时,拒绝刺耳,迎接典雅。
- 各种小bug修正
1. Added three new movement modes to DBall, each offering a distinct control feel: Agile, Smooth, and Clumsy (original mode). The Agile mode significantly reduces game difficulty and is highly recommended for trying out!
Setting->Ball Control
2. Updated and upgraded all UI elements, saying goodbye to the bare-bones look~~~ Thanks to Epic’s free resources (Lyra)~~
3. Updated some sound effects, replacing harsh tones with more elegant ones.
4. Fixed various minor bugs.